Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Harrison's Birthday Memories

I am having such a hard time believing today is my big boy's 8th birthday.  We are having a blast going through old Facebook photo's of birthday's past so I thought I would document them here to be  all in one place.  It is fun to see how this sweet boy is growing from stepping on my toes to on my heart.  Happy Birthday, Doodlebug!!!

 One Year Old Family BBQ

Two Year Old Low Country Boil and Fish Fry (announced he would be a big brother)

Three Year Old Carnival Party with Face Painting

Four Year Old Party at the Airplane Museum

5 Year Old Camp Theme Party

Sweet Six trip to Legoland in Atlanta

We had a few friends over to play on the day of his 7th birthday and evidently, I didn't take pictures (highly unlikely but just can't locate).  Looking to celebrate this fun guy again in a few weeks when buddies are back in town from the 4th.

Time flies when you are having fun!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

White BBQ Sauce

I love BBQ.  Growing up in Marietta, Ga, we would go to Big Ed's and Williamson Bros. regularly.  I was introduced to Sam's BBQ1 a few years back while visiting my parents and am totally obsessed......we're talking, hop in the car and drive down from NC obsessed.

Having taken up residency

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

End Of School Ice Cream Social and Water Fight

School got out last Thursday and we welcomed summer Bogle Boy style complete with water guns, water balloons and an ice cream bar.  While the kids ran wild in the yard, us Mama's chilled out on the front porch and enjoyed a few cocktails.  Sometimes the best parties are the ones you just whip together easy peasy with little fuss or stress.

Last Day pic (you can see back to school fun here)

The Three Musketeers

Snacks to hold them over until the ice cream bar was ready

Patiently waiting for the water balloons

Silliness at the water gun refill station

Typical kiddie party - girls on one side/boys on the other
(one of these cuties has stolen H's heart)

A boy and his buddies

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!!!

Porch Party for the Mama's

"What'llyahave???" - My Atlanta readers will get this saying

Mission accomplished.  Conked out little boys at the end of the day.

Next up, 10 weeks of summer!!!  
