Monday, July 16, 2018

Chicken Piccata

Sunday Supper is something I look forward to all week long.  Cooking is how I relax.  My youngest loves to help me in the kitchen too so it makes for a special time for us when he is in there with me.

In the summer, I find inspiration from our local farmer's market and seafood shop.  Each week during my shopping, I am really looking ahead to the next week's meal.  While I was on a mission for peaches and blueberries last week, I was drooling over all the squash and zucchini.  Needless to say, you'll be seeing lots of posts featuring squash and zucchini this week.  They accompanied our Chicken Piccata last night by simply being roasted in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil and a tablespoon of Nature's Seasoning blend.

I do my sauce differently than posted in the link for Chicken Piccata above.  I melt 4 tablespoons of butter, half a cup of white wine two tablespoons of Parmesan cheese, the juice of a lemon and the slices of one cut up lemon.  I bring to a boil, add parsley and then toss in some angel hair pasta (just enough to coat the pasta).  I plate the pasta quickly so it does not absorb all the sauce, top with the chicken, fish one of the lemon slices out of the sauce to go on top the chicken and drizzle with remaining sauce. 



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